Donate Today
St. George’s depends on the generosity of this community to ensure we can continue our vital work. We need your support. Through sponsorships, and donations, St. George’s Scholar Institute can provide the youth in our community with the opportunity to dream big. You too can play a role by donating to SGSI today!
“St. George’s plays an integral role in our community…kids need to be ready to succeed..
in order to make lives better in this community.” – Philip Bond
Your financial support ensures that St. George’s continues to provide high quality programming and services to disadvantaged youth. Please click the “DONATE” button to make a donation. Click here to view our privacy policy.
Thank you for your interest in volunteering at St. George’s Scholar Institute. By volunteering just a few hours a week, you could really make a life-changing impact on youth in your community. Help youth become contributing members of the community by:
- Cultivating their strengths
- Encouraging positive relationships
- Developing their ability to make responsible choices.
Here are some of the current opportunities at St. George’s:
Currently seeking High School and Middle School level Tutors in Math, Science, Reading/Comprehension, Spanish and French for St. George’s.

Leave us a message if you'd like to get in contact with St. George's Scholar Institute.
Contact Us
We are located at:
1600 W. St. Catherine Street
Louisville, KY 40210
phone: 502-907-0670
email: acox@stgeorgesky.org